Our vision

We will equip teachers and school leaders with the knowledge and skills to help all children and young people take climate action and protect the environment.

Our values

1. Being kind and respectful

We know that creating a culture of kindness in our work distributes the joy of problem-solving, creates a safe environment and creates a foundation for equity.  We also acknowledge how important it is to have hard conversations about climate change and adapt to new insights at pace, in response to the urgency. 

2. Being evidence-informed

We believe that people who make decisions in education and about the environment need to know what the research says - we know there is a need to equip school leaders and teachers with better insights so that they can understand how human activity is impacting the planet.

3. Working collaboratively

We will amplify the voices of partners from all sectors and backgrounds working towards solving complex environmental education problems through high-quality evidence-informed approaches - especially those voices that have been historically silenced. 

Our misson

1. Foster collective operational climate literacy among children and young people.

2. Cultivate a knowledge-rich narrative of climate change, building expert mental models throughout education.

3. Support children and young people to develop attitudes and behaviours that prepare them to be effective stewards of the planet.